
write down memos or something I found about tech things



Lifecycleを調べると、onResumeonPuase がそれぞれforegroundとbackgroundに対応しているように思われるが、これは必ずしも100%保証された動作ではない。


How to detect when an Android app goes to the background and come back to the foreground - Stack Overflow


android - OnPause is called right after OnResume - Stack Overflow

Note: When the system calls your activity's onPause() method, the system may be signaling that the activity will be paused for a moment and the user may return focus to your activity, or that the app is running in multi-window mode. However, this method call may also be the first indication that the user is leaving your activity.


Keep in mind that onResume is not the best indicator that your activity is visible to the user; a system window such as the keyguard may be in front. Use onWindowFocusChanged(boolean) to know for certain that your activity is visible to the user

また、上記もある特定のユースケース(私が関わっているアプリはそうだった)では面倒な事になるので、正確に onResumeonPause の挙動を理解する必要がある人は頭に入れておきたい内容。